
 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's coming together

With 6 weeks to go until the official due date, things are certainly coming together.  We're pretty much finished clearing out everything we don't need or want and down to reorganizing baby's room.  This afternoon, we went stroller and crib mattress shopping.  These were the last two "big" items we needed to get.

We were looking for a compact, lightweight and durable stroller and found one by the same manufacturer as the carseat we have (for those interested in the details, the stroller was a Britax B-Nimble and goes with our Britax Chaperone carseat).  After scouring the internet for local shops that carry the model we were looking for, we finally found one store in North Vancouver that stocked it and had floor models we could try.  An extra bonus was that it was the store's 3rd anniversary weekend so with the purchase of the stroller, we got $50 of in-store credit to use toward something else.  Conveniently, we put the credit toward a crib mattress.  =)

I'm super excited about rearranging baby's room tonight.  Because after all the furniture is in place, I can finally take all of baby's clothes and linens out of the boxes and bags they're currently sitting in and find a home for everything.  And after that, basically all that's left is packing the hospital bag!

On another note, I think there's a reason for the term "bun in the oven."  I definitely feel like an oven these days, especially when I sleep.  There hasn't been one morning where I haven't woken up in a sweat. Or maybe all the sweating I'm doing at night is what's keeping me from retaining water in my hands and feet?

It's crazy to me that we're nearing the end of this pregnancy so soon.  They say the baby can come anywhere between two weeks before to two weeks after the due date.  That means we could potentially have 4 weeks left before we meet baby Chan!  (Or, it could be 8 weeks still...)

I'll end off today with what my fabulous hubby made this morning to help us figure out how to organize baby's room.  Just one of the many reasons I love him.  =)

1 comment:

  1. Aww...wish I could be there for the birth. But hey, I'll see you and little hiccups in a week's time! :)
