
 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You're kidding

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 3:00am, I woke up feeling like I needed to pee. Just before waking up, I dreamt that I was at a hospital getting a pregnancy test done and for some reason there were other people hanging around when the doctor was giving me the instructions. I turned to them and ratted them out for being so rude and staring at me. "This is important!" I yelled at them. "Stop staring at me and mind your own business!" (I told Tim about this later in the day and he said I was hormonal even in my dreams... Haha)

Anyway, I had been told that pregnancy tests work best first thing in the morning and my period was late so I decided to try out one of the cheap internet bought pregnancy test strips. In my groggy state, I stared as one and then two lines appeared. "You're kidding," I muttered to myself. I had not expected this - not this month anyway. The last three weeks had been so stressful and chaotic for us with Tim's grandfather suffering a stroke and being hospitalized and then his parents' emergency visit to Vancouver. I had also gone away for a week for a class intensive. I had thought this month was out in terms of trying for a baby.

Obviously, God thought otherwise.

Seeing the first test come out positive, I got out a second more expensive test to confirm things. Sure enough, a blue + showed up in the window. Wow, God. Really?

I headed back to bed and tried to sleep. My thoughts were obviously racing. Unable to calm myself, I woke Tim up and told him the news. The first words out of his mouth were, "How do you know?!" Ha. This would be the first (but definitely not last) time that our baby would wake him up and keep him up in the middle of the night! We prayed together, for the baby and for ourselves. And then we talked a bit about when he or she might be born. By then I was hungry so I got up to eat. The rest of the morning, sleep was elusive but we both managed to get a few more hours in.

Today has felt like we've been living in a cloud. We are waiting until the doctor confirms things on Monday before we start telling our family. How are we going to keep this in for so long? Grace, I suppose. Everything is grace.

They say that couples try to conceive for eight months on average before getting pregnant. If it's true, then say hi to an average couple. =)