
 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, September 26, 2011

The bump's the trump

It's hard to believe that I'm at 30 weeks - which means there are only 10 weeks to go!  I think my belly has finally hit the point where it's obvious enough that strangers will ask me when I'm due.  It also seems to be the focal point for most people I interact with.

I was telling T last night that people no longer notice or comment on things that would have been noticed pre-bump.  Things like new glasses (I've had them for a month now and only one person has noted it) and the fact that I'm taking advantage of the pregnancy phenomenon of thick and healthy hair (I'm growing it out right now and planning to donate it about a month before I'm due to make wigs for kids with cancer).  Nope, people generally just notice my belly.  Which is fine.  And in a way, I think it is preparing me for the shift of attention away from me once baby arrives.

In other news, these last couple weeks have seen a couple new developments.  I notice that baby has hiccups about twice a day.  And at times, I can feel little protrusions that seem to be baby's feet or head or some other pointy bit jutting out of my abdomen.  It's kind of fun to visualize baby in there.

These last few days, I've noticed a definite increase in my appetite.  It feels like the first few weeks of pregnancy again - I am constantly eating!  I seem to be shifting toward a new mode of operation where the days and nights roll into each other and are punctuated by eating times.  This, too, is preparation for what's ahead I suspect.

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted a photo.  So here's me at 30 weeks, complete with the new glasses and long, flowing hair.  ;)  Can you spot the emerging belly button?


  1. Awww you look great!! And what a nice round shape your belly is!!!!! Almost counting down with 1 digit numbers!!! YAY!!

  2. I totally see the belly button! :) Again, congrats!
