
 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to trap a husband

As this pregnancy has progressed, I have found myself struggling with fears and insecurities I never thought existed in me.  In the last couple months, I've asked T at least three or more times a day week a common yet impossible to answer question, "Am I fat??!"

To which, he has replied, "Yes....  No....  Um.....  I dunno?"

The other day we were laughing about this situation and he asked me what I was really asking.  What was behind this question about being fat or not?  Someone (a mother of grown children) told him I was looking for affirmation.  I think that's part of it, but for me, it is deeper than that even.

Anyway, here's my attempt to decipher my own question.  I can't speak for all pregnant women, but I know that for myself, when I ask, "Am I fat?"  I'm really saying:  I'm having a hard time loving myself and accepting this changing body of mine.  I wonder if I'm still beautiful, acceptable, lovable and valuable.  The person I had been so accustomed to is no longer.  Can I love this new me?  Maybe you can help me love me?  

Of course, I know that the deepest, most satisfying love I seek ultimately comes from God's heart toward me.  But I am learning that sometimes, it helps to borrow my husband's or a friend's love when I seem to have misplaced my own.


  1. you are not fat, you are beautiful, with a beautiful life inside you! proud of you!

  2. For me it's been a continual journey of acceptance and love and trust that when Jamie (and Jesus) speak to me and say that I am beautiful, that they mean it. And I am. And so are you. :)
